Tuesday, January 22, 2013


There are information floated and most people had already knew the differences between the left and right brain. Of course, for the neurologist, they might still busy finding proves for all these differences.

One of the differences that shaken me for a while is that, conscious mind is a sequence mind.

Sequence mind meaning that we know after sunset, then it will be dark night, follow by dawn, bright morning, hot afternoon, relaxing evening, dawn ... and the sequence repeats.

Or we know the counting of 1 to 10 by sequence...

We know yesterday has passed and tomorrow is coming after today...

But, our unconscious mind has no sequence!

Which is real? sequence, or actually there is no sequence in this world?!

When we dream at night, we think that our dream is real. Only when we had woken up, we realized it was just a dream...

Who knows, we think we are in a real human world with all the touchable solid objects around us, but we are still in another level of dream?

The unconscious mind may have the answer, just that, it was being filtered by our consciousness...

So, what is real to you?


[SK] said...

in this mysterious world there are just too many mysterious things that you may not be able to explain.. and even those that you could explain, it would also be an assumption, a common practice or just our norm believes..

p/s: congratulations on your 1st post for year 2013~~ :p

MiChi said...

haha....!! Yes, one step at a time!

Finally bored with facebook and miss my blog...

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Emptiness is form; form is emptiness?

眠樱符 said...

Nothing or should I say everything.